Quick Guide to Getting Personal with Your Facebook Business Page Fans.

Pedro Sostre
3 min readApr 3, 2018
Yes, there’s a real person behind all those company updates… 📷 by Samuel Zeller

Facebook — and social media in general — can feel a little cold sometimes. It’s natural to want to communicate in a more personal way with the people that have chosen to follow and engage with your business page.

The good news is that you can post as yourself on your business page pretty easily. Just selecting your name from the drop down in the upper right corner:

The bad news is that you’ll want to be careful how you use this.

Comment Responses = 👍

If you want to post as yourself when responding to visitor comments to make them a bit more personal, that will be ok.

Just remember to make your relationship to the brand expressly clear in each response. The person you’re responding has no way to know that you are related to the brand you’re representing.

Promotional Page Posts = 💩

If you try to make page posts from your personal account, most people will never see it.

This is because when you post as yourself, your post doesn’t go in the main…



Pedro Sostre

CEO of Builderall, an all-in-one marketing platform that has helped 2M+ businesses launch & grow faster. Published Author & Speaker.